Measurement is crucial to performance. Faulty measure would devalue the joy of success and the experience of relevance.Time is the standard measure of relevance. Ecc 3:1. Time suffocates excuses and cripples pretence. Time is the miracle that brings opportunity to preparation. Ecc 9:11.What you spend time with fashions your life!
Time expense and dispense is the vehicle that describes the triumph and the challenges of life.Time investment is the taxi of preparation for profitable returns without regret.
Regret is basically the pain of time wasted.
Time runs whether you are in the race or not. God has given every man on this planet the same 24hours.Don't just use them,invest them wisely daily.Its not just enough to do the right thing in the right way,but it must be done in the right time if we must reap the right rewardof our labour.People who kill time work for others to eat.They may nit be there when the reward arrives.The popular Lord Nelson of Britain attributes all his success in life to his strict habit of punctuality.He said"ii have always been a quarter of an hour before my time,and it has made a man out of me".The only thing which is akmost as sacred as marriage is appointment!A man who fails to meet his appointment unless he has a good reason,is practicaly unserious and the wirld treats him as such.Every time is precious!God does not beleive in "spare time"Ephesians 5:16 declares:"Redeeming the time...."Never forget this;"Better late than never" ,is not half so good a quote as "better never late".Your position in life eventually will let all men know the race you were running!
Time is decision and choice. Every slice of time measures life's wellbeing! Time may be invisible but it is the yardstick that will judge all men. Take time to utter words, in it are the genes of life construction and destruction!
Become more time sensitive today!
Inspirational and Motivational. Making change intentional is my passion, positive and progressive change is my heartbeat.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
#TAKEPRIDE~>Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence
I soon realized that the process of METAMORPHOSIS becomes botched in the face of any physical intervention or
perceived assistance.... True transformation can only evolve when we effortlessly determine it is time and we take the right steps as we approach our cocoon [our place of consecration separation and ultimate enlightenment] - Alas our experience is what prepares us for that next level of flight. It is time to defy social convention and start living the
extraordinary life.
# TAKEPRIDE ~>Take Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence
#TAKEPRIDE ~>In your corner
#TAKEPRIDE ~>In your compound
#TAKEPRIDE ~>In your church
#TAKEPRIDE ~> In your community
#TAKEPRIDE ~>In your company
#TAKEPRIDE ~> In your city
#TAKEPRIDE ~> In your country
#TAKEPRIDE ~> In your continent
No matter your constituency it is time to Take Personal Responsibility In Developing Excellence.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Peace is something that everyone seems to want, but no one knows how to achieve successfully. The key to attaining worldwide peace is this simple formula:
Let me give you a few definitions before we get more in depth into the formula. Peace is defined as the absence of war or other hostilities. Understanding, in
this situation, is defined as knowing and being tolerant of another's point of view. And finally, respect is defined as a willingness to show consideration and
appreciation for the beliefs of others.
In order to achieve a world without war and hostility, you need understanding and respect. Without understanding and respect, we have nothing but a world full of intolerant individuals, each concerned
only with their own beliefs and ideals. We currently live in a world full of selfish people that believe that their way is right, and anyone else's way of thinking that differs even slightly from their beliefs is wrong!
The first thing we need in order to successfully complete the peace formula is understanding. What can we do in order to bring understanding into the
equation? It's simple really. What we need to do is promote more open mindedness when it comes to studying other belief systems. Check out the ISIS for instance, who behead crucify or shot Christians and others who have a different believe from theirs. Why do we insist on holding
on to such outdated beliefs? This isn't the 5th century,this is the 21st century! If we would only take a little time to learn about and understand each other's differing views and get rid of some of these outdated belief systems, we would be much better off and the first part of the peace equation would be complete!
The second part of the peace equation is respect. We can tolerate other people's viewpoints, but without respecting their views and showing consideration for them when making decisions, the concept of understanding becomes moot. If we don't show respect for other people's beliefs and take them into consideration when making a decision, you can pretty
much be rest assured that not all parties involved are going to be happy with the final decision. Take what's going on in Israel right now for example. Everyone is
proclaiming, "Oh, we want peace!" But neither side is willing to respect the other's point of view and make any sort of compromise. Without this, the peace process in Israel may never be fulfilled and the Israelis and the Palestinians will remain fighting for centuries to come!
Though it may seem that I'm coming from some sort of religious and cultural viewpoint by presenting the two examples above, the concepts of understanding and
respect relate to many events that take place in our everyday lives. If we just take a closer look at what's going on and try to understand and respect each other's views when it comes to the decisions we make everyday, the world will definitely be a much better place and the equation of peace will be complete, or at least given a chance to succeed!
Every leader in the world aims to find a lasting solution to the problems that beset our planet but so far, peace on earth has continued to be an elusive dream. There are many movements, conferences, brotherhoods and fraternities all over the world that promotes the idea of world peace.Philosophers, theologians politicians, and other great thinkers from the past up to the present have offered so
many formulas and ideas for achieving peace but no one has yet came up with a solid answer to the question.
Why is world peace so difficult to achieve? Perhaps the answer lies within ourself. What have we done to make the
world a better place to live in? How have we treated our brothers and our neighbors? If we look at the philosophies
and teachings of great men and the number of world peace movements that have risen out of nowhere, the issue
assumes even more layers and textures than the original idea.
Is it possible to achieve world peace?Some great thinkers believe so. But if you are asking whether it can possibly happen in our lifetime, then that is something no one can answer. Only time can tell. But as long as everybody makes a conscious effort to work for it, then maybe we stand a chance of seeing the first signs of world peace happening.
Another issue to ponder about, is the different ideas as to what constitutes world peace. Some people think it is the resolution of conflict that will bring about world peace. Others think that absence of
hunger, deprivation or social justice would be a sign that world peace is finally happening. It is like looking at the forest without seeing the trees instead of the other way around. The perennial question will always be where to start.If we take a few minutes to read the teachings of Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi or
Confucius the common denominator lies with the “ Golden Rule ” (LOVE) which
teaches “not to do unto others what we do not want others to do unto us”. This teaching rings true even today when we
look at how people are treated in some parts of the world. War, violence, famine and social injustices are all handmaids of the devil. If we strive to treat other people like a brother, living harmoniously with one another, treating each other justly
and fairly, there would be no conflict and the rest follows.
Finally, in order to achieve world peace, we have to start with ourselves. We have to be agents of change and
ambassadors of good will. We should learn to live with our neighbors peacefully and do business with each other fairly
and honestly. When we start with doing good to other people, we can inspire others to do the same. By paying the good deeds forward, we can multiply the number of people we touch with our goodwill and eventually it will spread and infect others. We cannot expect peace in the world unless we give that which in our heart we are prepared to sacrifice.